Stephen Kincaid

Stephen and Ari Kincaid

From a young age I was graced with the understanding that nothing is more important than serving God and preaching His Gospel. I grasped the significance of winning souls early on. At a very young age I began preaching on the streets and at markets, inspired by the many zealous men of God I looked up to.

My teenage years were not without their challenges, as I navigated the difficulties of a young Christian life in a secular world. There is no excuse for the double life I lived in my youth and I became profoundly burdened by my sins, nevertheless the Lord was merciful to me during that period and kept me the through everything.

I am humbled by the forgiveness I have in Jesus Christ, which compels me to serve wherever he sees fit.

I had the honor of serving as a missionary in Mexico for 10 years, where I met my wonderful, hardworking and godly wife. There, we were blessed with three amazing children. My heart’s desire was to continue as a missionary, and I never envisioned returning to the United States. However, through a series of unexpected events, God brought me back to my home church, and has entrusted me with the responsibility and privilege to pastor his church here.

I know the Lord has guided me thus far and I trust his provision and help in the ministry.