69.  Sweet Rest In Jesus


In Jesus I’ve found a sweet rest from sorrow, from toil, and from care; In him I am happy and blest, for he all my burdens doth bear.

Oh, how happy am I with my Savior so nigh!  I have found sweet rest on Jesus’ dear breast.


I came to the Lord for release, when burdened with guilt and with sin; He cleansed me, and gave me his peace, the Spirit to witness within.

Oh, how happy am I with my Savior so nigh! I have found sweet rest on Jesus’ dear breast.


Tho' many the troubles I meet, he’ll keep me, and help me along; I’ll sit at his glorified feet, for he is my joy and my song.

Oh, how happy am I with my Savior so nigh!  I have found sweet rest on Jesus’ dear breast.


All glory and praise to thy name for what thou didst suffer for me; For saving my soul when I came and gave myself up unto thee.

Oh, how happy am I with my Savior so nigh!  I have found sweet rest on Jesus’ dear breast.