131.  Who’s Like Our Jesus


O, who’s like our Jesus? He’s all we desire! His love draws us near, sets our spirits afire! We cannot but love him, as one we proclaim: “Lord Jesus, we love thee, exalt thy dear name!”


O Jesus, our Jesus, with thee we are blest, Our life, our enjoyment, our peace and our rest: Thy name be our theme, and thy love be our song; Thy love has inspired both our heart and our tongue!


O Jesus, our Jesus, how can we express Thy dearness, so precious, and thy loveliness? When we see thy beauty, all else fades away, All shadows must flee at the breaking of day!


We love thee, we love thee, we love thee, O Lord.  We love thee, we love thee, we love thee, our God!  We'll love thee till thou dost descend from above, And then we will bless thee for granting thy love.