109. My Maker and My King
My Maker and my King, To thee my all I owe; Thy sov'reign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow; Thy sov'reign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow.
The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than I can give; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than I can give.
Lord, what can I impart When all is thine before? Thy love demands a thankful heart; The gift, alas! How poor; Thy love demands a thankful heart; The gift, alas! How poor.
O! let thy grace inspire My soul with strength divine; Let ev'ry word and each desire And all my days be thine;
Let ev'ry word and each desire And all my days be thine.