Our Best

Hear ye the Master's call, "Give me thy best."  For, be it great or small, that is his test.  Do then the best you can, not for reward,  Not for the praise of man, but for the Lord.   

Every work for Jesus will be blest, But He asks from everyone his best.  Our talents may be few, these may be small, But unto him is due our best, our all. 


Wait not for men to laud, heed not their slight, Winning the smile of God, brings its delight. Aiding the good and true, ne'er goes unblest, All that we think or do, be it the best. 

Every work for Jesus will be blest, But He asks from everyone his best.  Our talents may be few, these may be small, But unto him is due our best, our all. 



Night soon comes on apace, day hastens by, Work-man and work must face, testing on high, Yet while we're here on earth He is our guest, And he is pleased with those who do their best. 

Every work for Jesus will be blest, But He asks from everyone his best.  Our talents may be few, these may be small, But unto him is due our best, our all. 


Used by permission CCLI #11346802