16 – The Lord is King

The Lord is King! Lift up, lift up thy voice – sing His praise, sing His praise! All heaven and earth before Him now rejoice – Sing His praise, Sing His praise! From world to world the joy shall ring, For He alone is God and King; From sky to sky His banners fling – Sing His praise, sing His praise!


The Lord is King! Let all His worth declare – Great is He, great is He! Bow to His will and trust His tender care – Great is He, great is He! Nor murmur at His wise decrees, Nor doubt His steadfast promises; In humble faith fall on thy knees – Great is He, great is He!


The Lord is King!  And bow to Him ye must – God is great, God is good! The judge of all to all is ever just – God is great, God is good! Holy and true are all His ways; Let every creature shout His praise; The Lord of Hosts, Ancient of Days – God is great, God is good!


The Lord is King! Thru-out His vast domain He is all, all in all! The Lord Jehovah ever more shall reign – He is all, all in all!  Thru earth and heaven one song shall ring, From grateful hearts this anthem spring; Arise, ye saints, salute thy King – All thy days, Sing His praise!

Music © 1968 Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing Inc. Franklin TN. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission CCLI #11346802