147 - There値l Be No Dark Valley

There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes, There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes; There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.

To gather His loved ones home (safe home), To gather His loved ones home (safe home); There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.


There値l be no more sorrow when Jesus comes, There値l be no more sorrow when Jesus comes; But a glorious morrow when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.

To gather His loved ones home (safe home), To gather His loved ones home (safe home); There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.


There値l be no more weeping when Jesus comes, There値l be no more weeping when Jesus comes; But a blessed reaping when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.

To gather His loved ones home (safe home), To gather His loved ones home (safe home); There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.


There値l be songs of greeting when Jesus comes, There値l be songs of greeting when Jesus comes; And a joyful meeting when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.

To gather His loved ones home (safe home), To gather His loved ones home (safe home); There値l be no dark valley when Jesus comes To gather His loved ones home.



Music ゥ 1968 Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing Inc. Franklin TN. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission CCLI #11346802